Class List V2 (COVID Edition)

This went out to all NE MAsT Chapter officers, but the reach can be expanded in this day of remote instruction being the norm. Classes can be 30 minute chunks if needed to accommodate the free Zoom account.

We would like to teach at as many places as we can reasonably manage, and offer these classes to your Chapter. Due to calendar constraints please schedule at least 30 days in advance. The classes are built for a 75-minute length, which allows an easy adjustment from 60-90 minutes. Unless it says otherwise the class can be in person or remote. Many can be adapted to a guided discussion model, but not all.

Thank you for the chance to share information and learn even more from you.


Trouvere spent four years as a full-time technical instructor. He has decades of public speaking and adult education experience. Chanteuse has a PhD in Educational/ Developmental Psychology and has taught and supervised instructors from pre-school to adult learners for the last 3 decades.

We have been married for 30+ years, kinky for 25+, and in varying degrees of PE for over 15. We have been out and about at the Power Exchange Summit, Master / slave Conference, and Southwest Leather Conference among others. We are founding members of MaST Fredericksburg, where Trouvere is a co-Director and Chanteuse is Secretary/Treasurer.

Military Tools for M/s
You don’t have to be in a military style relationship for some military tools to be useful. The emphasis of this class is on a range of military tools for building an M/s structure, planning, and performance improvement. Based on US Army and USMC references There is a very brief overview of several different military relationship styles. If you SMEAC you are less likely to be FUBAR. No military experience required, but it may be more entertaining if so.

Bionic Relationships
Technology to make your relationships better, stronger, faster
An exploration of apps to enhance your relationship. Apps for relationship construction, communication, control, and consummation. Minimal tech savvy required. Can you install and use an app? Know how to connect via Bluetooth? Good enough.

Literary Lust: Using Fiction to Build Your Reality
One challenge to starting your Power Exchange Relationship is defining what you want. Expressing that desire is the next challenge. Fiction can help with both. Examples of relationship structure and emotional intent can be taken from many sources. We will discuss the excellent Marketplace series as a source of inspiration. Also included are other staples of erotic fiction such as The Story of O and Cecilia Tan’s writings. There is room for some science fiction in there and the odd German philosopher. Even 50 Shades can have some good words. Which words reach you?

Surviving Separation: What to do When You Are Apart
Many people are separated for a time by something: work, family emergencies, war. How do you maintain your relationship during the time you are apart? How do you resume your relationship after the changes you both made while apart? This session focuses on mechanisms that can be used to hold it together while you are separated and get it back together when reunited. It focuses on both the departing and the remaining parties, as they face different challenges. It is not specifically about Long Distance Relationships (LDR) but many of the skills can be applied there.

Building a Foundational M/s Library
An introduction to building a new library focused on MaST related topics. It includes information on defining your library objectives and suggestions in several categories to get you started. There are far too many possibilities for this to be an exhaustive listing. Instead, we try to give an idea of representative authors and books in several categories of interest to MaST members on both sides of the slash.

The Language of Love
No it isn’t French, or Italian. It is the specific words that make us feel loved. Or unloved. This is an exploration of not just our spoken language of love but the actual vocabulary we want used. Participatory, bring a notebook. If you have a partner / partners in mind bring them too.

Models of M/s
A survey of various models you can use to define or explain your unique Authority Transfer Relationship (ATR). Explore evocative models and archetypes to find examples that resonate with you and inform your understanding. CEO? Captain? Pirate? Commander? Titles can add flavor.

Becoming M/s: Surviving the Slash, or not
Part 1- Architecture and Design
We all know long-term M/s couples and many of them started as power exchange relationships. What if you are in a traditional relationship? How do you get to M/s? You start by designing what YOU want out of it. Lecture and exercises.
Part 2 – Construction
Now that you have done the design work, how do you build it? Here are some of the tools you can use in construction: Ritual; Symbols; Contracts; SOP.

How to build your class
An interactive workshop that takes you through the planning and preparation of your 60-90 minute class. This class is the example and you can use the exercises to rough out your class during this workshop. Bring an idea and a notebook.

Instructional skills 101
Learn a number of instructional techniques in this workshop. See ways to address different learning styles and keep the students engaged. Live only.

It’s all about communication! How do I do that?
Specific examples of techniques to improve your communication skills. Hint: listen first.

It’s just semantics. And semantics really matter
Yes, words have fluid meanings. Unfortunately, that means it is easy to misunderstand each other. Meanings really do matter, and so do words.

Know thyself! How do I do that?
An interactive workshop to explore different methods of self-discovery. Be prepared to think about yourself. You are worth it.

Stoicism on both sides of the slash
Stoicism is a vibrant system of philosophy that has gotten a bad rap. Explore this ancient system with specific examples of how to apply it from either side of the slash. Philosophy is often the realm of academics, but stoicism is for the person in the arena.

High-Value Learning
How to get the most out of your classes. Note taking, learning models, exercises.

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